VIPNET Science Club (SHAASTRA Science Club)


Our school science club named ‘Shaastra’ is affiliated to

VIPNET (Vigyan Prasar Network of Science Clubs).

We are planning to conduct several programs under this banner.

Chief advisor of the club is our HM

Sri B. Parameshwar,

Co-ordinator is

A. Gnaneshwar

and the president of the club is

K. Pravalika of class 10.

Online Quiz - August 2020


In the pandemic situation we are talking about healthy and hygiene habits, to overcome the problem. Not only for pandemic situation, but every time these habits are needed to maintain our health.

So, our science club conducted an online quiz on “Hygiene Habits”, by using Google Forms to students and teachers.

414 students and teachers participated in this quiz. A certificate is issued for qualified persons.

model certificate
A model certificate

Science Day - 2020

On the occasion of National Science Day, we conducted competitions to students of our school. They are elocution, essay writing, science drawing, slogan writing etc. Prizes were given to the winners of the competitions.


The prizes are sponsered by Sri. D. Srinivas, District Co-ordinator, National Children Science Congress which is under Telangana State Council Of Science & Technology.
